Tuesday 24 January 2012

Share your experiences of Elizabethan 33 Sailing boats

Just bought one - Arctic Smoke - lying Lowestoft at present. Due to start refit soon and sail down to the Medway at Easter. Longer term dream to sail the Atlantic in a few years.


  1. hi, thought you might be interested, i was the second owner of "Arctic Smoke"! i bought her from 2 guys based in lymington who were the original owners and sailed her to the med where she spent most of her life. she returned to the uk via french canals.i saw her for sale in lymington yacht haven shortly after her arival back in the uk.
    my use was mainly solent and channel cruising, i sailed her a lot single handed and with various friends. she was such a lovely boat to sail and very confidence inspring in a blow.
    i kept her for a few years in lymington yacht haven and then moved her to beaulieu river, owing to increasing marina fees!! my mooring was just off gins farm , a lovely location. sadly i sold the boat on to help fund a move and since then have not sailed. she was great boat and i miss her very much. its interesting to see the gear still on the boat, when i sold the boat i was told the engine was going to be replaced ! i see that was never done, i always thought it was fine only ever feeling underpowerded if it was a bit windy in which case the sails went up!
    well i hope you continue to enjoy her its great to see what she is up to now.
    regards jonny markes

  2. Hi Jonny, great to hear from you - delighted to be contacted by one of AS's previous owners.

    I'm sorry you've not sailed since selling her and I can understand you missing her. She is indeed a great boat. You'll have read about much of my sailing on her thus far but I still have to write up the return trip from Amsterdam to Hoo (via Ijmuiden, Lowestoft, the River Deben and Brighlingsea) during which we had some fairly frisky conditions - particularly in the latter stages when I was single-handed - and she was a delight to sail - in Force 5-6 SW winds we comfortably cruised at 6k close hauled with two reefs, in the fairly short seas that are pretty typical of the Thames Estuary. I finally managed to work out how to use the old auto-helm that cane with the boat and which it sounds like you probably had in your days.

    She needs quite a lot of TLC having been pretty much neglected over the last few years but being such a well built and previously well cared for boat, she's basically sound and I'm sure has many years left in her yet.

    You're right about the engine by the way - still the original Bukh 10HP single pot.Tiny by today's standards but with a clean bottom and still water it still drives her along at 6k (max being 6.2k)although as you say that drops (to around 4k) when the sea get's up. The prop is I suspect the original 2 bladed one which is great for sailing but I suspect lacks torque. Mind you I much prefer not to drag anything bigger around.

    I strongly suspect the mainsail is the original and will have to be replaced soon but is doing remarkably well.The original genoa has been replaced by a furling one which is not quite the right shape or size - a little too small and try as might I cannot get the leach to lie flat. It's a shame because the sail itself is obviously quite new. I'm sure her windward performance must be suffering a little as a consequence.

    I'd be delighted if you could join me for a sail sometime. Do let me know if you would like to. I'm off to Boston with the Mrs tomorrow to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary but hope to get some sailing in when I get back before the weather closes in. Not sure where you live so perhaps it's not feasible for you to get to this neck of the woods - but do let me know.

    I have a very tentative plan to sail her to Ireland next year but many things would have to fall into place to make that possible (mainly the right combination of money and time)and if that does happen I could pay a visit to Lymington/Beaulieu (she was built around there after all).

    Very best regards


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